ECU Development Support

Expert Automotive ECU Development

automotive ecu development
  • Providing a comprehensive approach to automotive ECU development, ranging from low-level hardware components and peripherals to high-level software modules and AUTOSAR-compliant layers
  • Experienced teams delivering projects for top automotive OEM, Tier 1 and 2 clients, proficient in industry-standard software and hardware tools
  • Engineering experts with extensive knowledge of hardware design, relevant protocols, software development, integration, and testing for the automotive industry
  • Focus on reliability, safety, redundancy, strict adherence to international standards, specifications, and requirements

Why Choose NOVELIC

With many years of experience in delivering projects for leading automotive industry OEM, Tier 1 and 2 customers, our highly-skilled teams of engineers will provide any type of ECU development support you may need


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Quality Assurance

ECU Integration and Testing Solutions

  • Covering a wide range of testing and integration solutions for automotive ECU development (both software and hardware)
  • Writing specifications and performing hardware module, integration, and validation tests, hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing
  • Software unit testing, integration testing, static analysis, and adherence to well-known coding standards
  • Exceptional quality management and code quality assurance thanks to high test code coverage
  • Proficiency with the industry’s most-used static analysis tools and testing frameworks such as Tessy, CMocka, CxxTest, Google Test, PC-Lint, Polyspace, etc.
  • Pre-conformance testing of various ECU interfaces, like CAN(FD), LIN, automotive Ethernet, USB2.0, etc.

Rock Solid

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Full Stack

ECU Software Development Solutions

  • Full-stack embedded software development from requirements to delivery, with a flexible project management approach and a DevOps platform providing the support you need, when you need it
  • Developing software for all 3 layers of the AUTOSAR architecture specification (Basic Software, Runtime Environment (RTE), Application Layer)
  • Designing software modules based on various MCU/MPU architectures, with AUTOSAR-compliant real-time operating system (RTOS)
  • Designing and validating ASIL-A and ASIL-B safety level software modules
  • Developing communication stack software, base MCU firmware, and drivers
  • Rock-solid code ensured by a full set of unit and integration tests, automatically validated through CI/CD using Jenkins or GitLab pipeline

Design and Validation

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Industry-Standard Tools

ECU Hardware Development Solutions

  • Supporting ECU development with a range of solutions including feasibility analysis, defining requirements, development, manufacturing design, FMEA, FMEDA, as well as functional, electrical, and environmental hardware validation
  • Performing detailed thermal analysis, stress analysis, and modal analysis
  • A holistic approach to hardware services providing hardware schematic design, PCB design, hardware integration, HiL testing, qualification and regression testing
  • Extensive experience in designing and manufacturing mechanical housing and components
  • Professional industry-standard tools including Altium, Mentor Xpedition, Zuken, CST Studio Suite, and many more

ISO 26262

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International Standards, Quality, and Architectures

  • Compliance with ISO26262 standard when working with ASIL-A and ASIL-B systems
  • ECU software modules compliant with AUTOSAR specifications
  • Adherence to the MISRA coding standard, and a high percentage of code test coverage

Successful ECU Development Projects

ECU Event Logging With Nanosecond Precision


Complete hardware design of a system supporting nanosecond precision sniffing and logging with onboard ECU using CAN-FD, SPI, and Ethernet with a GUI application for configuration, operation, and monitoring of the high-speed log. The system was verified by a full set of unit, component, and integration tests.

Multiple Sub-ECUs For Car Seat Control and Comfort


Developed multiple sub-ECUs for folding seat module, compact valve block, and smart BLDC motor, with software-hardware integration specification. The system was validated by derating analysis, conformance testing, and timing analysis.

Radar Sensor Testing


Created an automated testing environment for our in-house designed radar module. Set up the CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins to test the radar module’s basic functionalities. After each pushed commit, the environment runs a test consisting of the radar (DUT) and a human chest emulator.

ECU Firmware Development

Firmware Development


PCB Design

ECU Testing and Validation

Testing and Validation


Automotive Industry Standards Compliance

ECU Development experience

Vast Experience in the Field

ECU development safety requirements

Meeting Safety Requirements