This year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) gathered 135,000 visitors from more than 150 countries. The ultimate place to witness the latest innovations and technology advancements, CES hosted over 4,300 exhibitors showcasing state-of-the-art products for everything from spatial computing to consumer electronics.


The NOVELIC team at CES 2024


CES Las Vegas 2024 was heavily focused on AI, sustainability, and mobility, which resulted in a noticeably large number of exhibitors from the automotive industry promoting trailblazing solutions for electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). Leading tech companies that aim to be a part of the fast-expanding autonomous driving market have approached the task of showcasing their offering with utmost ambition and inventiveness, setting the bar high for other exhibitors.


NOVELIC's In-Cabin Monitoring Radar at CES 2024


NOVELIC decided to bring its most advanced radar technology to the table and provide live demonstrations to all interested parties at the show. In line with the prediction that radar technology will replace ultrasound when it comes to parking sensors, we presented our automotive gap filler radar for 360° short-range perception around the vehicle, covering multiple essential functions with a single module.


NOVELIC's 360° Vehicle Perception radar at CES 2024


With advancements in autonomous driving applications, the stringent requirements for timely detection of objects in a vehicle’s surroundings render it virtually impossible to develop such systems without some type of hardware acceleration. At CES 2024, NOVELIC premiered hypr_risc, the fastest DSP solution currently available on the market. Our hypr_ platform enables high-throughput data streaming and processing at unprecedented speed, enabling sensor fusion for camera, radar, lidar, and other types of sensors.


hypr_risc at CES 2024


The overwhelmingly positive feedback and high level of interest in NOVELIC technology at CES is a good indicator that our efforts to keep up with the innovation and market trends are paying off. We are already in the planning phase for next year’s show, striving to outperform this year’s results. Until then, here is a short video recap of NOVELIC at CES 2024 :